Sunday 3 March 2019

English grammar test std 8

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English grammar test std 8

std 8 total unit grammar test

A common theme explored at EducationWorld is the trepidation many students feel when required to write something. They often feel as though the ability to produce a clear and concise thought on paper is beyond them, and Tracy believes that this is due to a lack of forethought. She suggests that thoroughly planning out the essay before sitting down to write it can be a big step toward improvement:
“Planning takes time and practice, which is why students often try to skip this crucial stage in their hurry to start writing (particularly in exams). ...This is counterproductive: a well-structured essay, rich in analysis, well-argued and relevant, scores many more marks than something that you try to work out as you go along. Examiners’ top complaint is that students don’t answer the question. That’s because most students don’t plan.
By learning to plan, you can develop your ability to read and interpret, to create logical links and to think laterally. You can stop agonizing over how to introduce and conclude your essay. All this will save you hours of redrafting. And in exams, you’ll score points by the power of thought rather than by purely relying on memory. Knowing that you can do this even under exam pressure is a great confidence-booster.”
Even if students have received some instruction on planning before writing, teachers may want to either reaffirm those previous lessons, or add to them. The more students plan, the better their writing will become.
std 8 english grammar- click here download
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1 comment:

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